#埴轮书话[超话]# 评《Poetry, History, Memory: Wang Jingwei and China in Dark Times》
Reading Wang Jingwei’s writings, including his poetry, is an intrinsic part of this process of mnemonic justice, as it allows the defendant to speak in his own voice in the court of history. Only after the justice of memory is served may we finally reach a happier memory: a more confident memory capable of forgiving and forgetting.……By writing a book on Wang Jingwei, a man whose purported “sacrifice” is highly contested, I wish to convey a sense of compassion for imperfect lives lived and lost, under historical circumstances darker than ours. “Dark times” (finstere Zeiten) is a term that Hannah Arendt has borrowed from Brecht’s poem “To Posterity” (An die Nachgeborenen). It refers to the concealment of the truth in public realm emanated from and spread by systematic and institutional forces. In such times, entering public life, in whichever capacity, inevitably means moral contamination. And yet, “the uncertain, flickering, and often weak light” that some men and women kindle may still illuminate their world for the sake of the later-born. Wang Jingwei’s failure to emerge gloriously out of the darkness was perhaps one of the most human stories of his time. His poetry serves as his dubious monument.