
思学课程 2024-07-20 04:50:38

无论在托福的听力还是口语考试当中,校医院和诊所也是一个经常出现的场所,在托福口语中经常出现在task 2中作为校园场所相关的话题出现,出题形式有:校医院搬迁、校医院扩建、校医院出现新的政策等等。所以,还是非常有必要积累一些与医院或诊所相关的表达。

【真题Task 2】

Student Health Clinic Moving

The new student health clinic, currently under construction, is scheduled to open at the beginning of the next school year. And for most students, it can't open soon enough. Crowded waiting rooms and long wait times are just a couple of the major complaints about the current clinic. The new clinic space is much larger and will provide more appointment rooms, so that additional medical staff can be hired to treat patients in a timely manner. In addition, the first floor of Johnson Hall, the residence hall where the clinic is currently located, will be converted into extra residential space to help provide much-needed campus housing for the growing student population.

The woman expresses her opinion about the plan described in the article. Briefly summarize the plan. Then state her opinion about the plan and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.

【真题 Task 3】

Now, listen to part of a lecture from a psychology.

We've all probably exhibited this behavior at one time or another. I know, for me, one example, in particular, comes to mind back in college. When I was younger, I used to play sports, I play basketball. One day during a game, I stumbled while I was running. And I felt my knee give out. There was a sharp pain in my leg. Something was off. My teammates all urged me to have the doctor do an x Ray and tell me what was going on. And maybe I should have, but I don't know what if something was really wrong. So it definitely felt easier at the time to just hope it would get better and the pain would go away. I just kept walking around on it, going through my normal routine, walking toes on campus.But then I went to the next team practice session and suddenly delay got much worse to the point where I couldn't play and I finally had to go to the doctor.Now, in retrospect, I really wish I hadn't been so reluctant to get it examined sooner, because the doctor did an x Ray and he said, I'd made the injury worse by continuing to walk around and play basketball so much so that I ended up needing surgery on the knee. If I just made an appointment to find out what was going on when it happened and then rested the knee for a couple weeks, it probably would've healed quickly. But instead, I ended up having to stop playing basketball for the rest of the year.

Have an appointment with doctor 预约医生/挂号 (这是预约挂号经常性的表达,还可以用register 表示挂号,同理挂号处的表达为 registration)

Clinic 诊所 (指的是比医院小的诊所,所以一般在托福考试中,更容易听到的是clinic)

Emergency room 急诊室(在我们遇到紧急情况的时候需要用到这个,与之想近的表达为 operation room 手术室)

ICU 重症监护室 (全称为 intensive care units,intensive 在这里所表达的含义为密集的,还可以用在intensive exercise 中表示剧烈运动等)

Ward 病房 (有时候手术后需要住院观察,会用到ward 这个词语,相关的表达还有内科病房medical ward外科病房surgical ward等)

Laboratory 化验室 (laboratory大家所熟悉的含义为实验室,但是放在医院这个特定的场所中,所表达的含义为化验室,体检时涉及到的验血等,里面的工作人员称为laboratory technician化验技员)

pharmacy 指的是药房、药物、医疗用品 (里面的工作人员称为 pharmacist 药剂师)

physician 内科医生 (doctor 医生的泛指,physician 特指内科医生)

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