
君保聊英语 2024-06-01 05:14:52


Fish are shrinking around the world. Here's why scientists are worried.


There's something fishy going on in the water. Across Earth's oceans, fish are shrinking — and no one can agree why. It's happening with salmon near the Arctic Circle and skate in the Atlantic. Nearly three-fourths of marine fish populations sampled worldwide have seen their average body size dwindle between 1960 and 2020, according to a recent analysis. Overfishing and human-caused climate change are decreasing the size of adult fish, threatening the food supply of more than 3 billion people who rely on seafood as a significant source of protein.



过度捕捞和人类造成的气候变化正在使成鱼的体型缩小,威胁着以海产品为重要蛋白质来源的30多亿人口的食物供应。来自华盛顿邮报(The Washington Post)

shrink v.(使)缩小,减少 fishy adj. 可疑的

marine adj.海的;海生的; Arctic Circle 北极圈

dwindle v.(逐渐)减少,变小

Torchbearers in Marseille kick off the Olympic flame's journey across the country


Torchbearers are to carry the Olympic flame through the streets of France' southern port city of Marseille, one day after it arrived on a majestic three-mast ship. The torch begins its 11-week journey across the country with about 10,000 bearers passing through more than 450 towns until the Games’ opening ceremony in Paris on July 26. Former soccer player Basile Boli, who played with the Marseille team in the 1990s, will launch Thursday's first relay from Notre Dame de la Garde basilica that overlooks Marseille and the Mediterranean.



曾在20世纪90年代效力于马赛队的前足球运动员巴西尔·博利将在周四从俯瞰马赛和地中海的圣母加德大教堂发起火炬传递的第一棒。来自美联社(AP News)

torchbearer n. 火炬手 kick off (事件、比赛或讨论等)开始;

majestic adj. 雄伟的,壮丽的,威严的 launch vt.发射;开始从事,发起,发动

overlook v. 眺望,俯瞰

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