王老师从中高考英语高频考点讲这4个词的区别。 ①tell to do sth…告诉……去做…… 否定:tell to not do sth… tell (you) the truth说实话 tell a story讲故事 tell a lie=tell lies撒谎 tell-told-told ②say to sb=speak to sb对……说 书上说、天气预报说、便条上写着。 say-said-said ③talk to sb=talk with sb跟……谈话 talk about sth 谈论…… ④speak +语言,讲某种语言 speak highly of doing 高度称赞…… speak-spoke-spoken 发优质内容享分成 Julia speaks English well who has been an English teacher for more than 20 years.She always says that English is very simple if you work hard at remembering new words. Last night,a mother talked about her child's English learning.Julia talked to her for half an hour,in which she especially told the mother to help her child recite words every day.
王老师从中高考英语高频考点讲这4个词的区别。 ①telltodosth…
2025-03-18 12:48:21