[太阳][太阳]Why do people accumulate [??kju?mj?le?t]积累good deeds善举? Because one day in the future, when you encounter difficulties, there will be an invisible[?n?v?z?bl]看不见 force力量 to help you through them. This power is not people, nor money, but the goodwill善意and good deeds you have accumulated [??kju?mj?le?t?d] 积累的in the past! Merit[?mer?t] 功绩does not need to be seen, good deeds have their own heaven know. People are good, although the blessing [?bles??]祝福has not arrived, disaster[d??zɑ?st?]灾祸has been far away! [太阳][太阳]人为什么要积德行善?因为在将来的某一天,你遇到困难,会有一股无形的力量,帮你渡过难关。这股力量,不是人,也不是钱,而是你从前积累的善意与善行!积德无需人见,行善自有天知。人为善,福虽未至,祸已远离!