
富甲北京 2024-09-03 15:54:00


Rossetti+Wyss Architects present Apartment Building L329 in Zurich, Switzerland, a neighborhood characterized by a dissolved development structure and free-standing individual buildings of different granulation, as well as green open spaces.

▼项目概览,overall of the project


The new building replaces an apartment building from the 1930s and fits naturally into the built context in terms of grain and volume, while taking the existing circumstances into account. It is an apartment building with seven apartments, a small commercial space at street level, and a parking garage at the rear of the lot.

▼街景,street view

▼沿街立面,street facade



Despite the increased living space, the volume of the new building appears restrained in the greened urban body and completes the rhythmic building structure along Limmattalstrasse. The appearance of the building dimensions is broken up by bending the facades ends, and its proportions mediate to the surrounding properties.

▼面向花园的立面,facade facing the garden


The choice of a pitched roof for the new building follows the same intention and conveys respectfully to the context. Great attention is paid to the topographical embedding, which ensures a natural course of the surroundings. The point construction allows qualitative and flowing green spaces, which respect the typical local conditions.

▼近景,closer views




Another focal point is the sustainable concept of the building with its technical installations. The building features reduced energy consumption using thermal heating and electricity production on the roof, realized via opaque panels that avoid reflections to the surroundings, as well as back into the sky.

▼室内概览,interior view

▼坡屋顶下的室内空间,interior space under the slope

▼起居室,living space

▼楼梯,staircase© Jürg Zimmermann


▼厨房餐厅,kitchen and dining area

▼露台,integrated terrace


The architectural expression of the new building arises through a simple and homogeneous language of form. The facades seek a clarified and calm appearance. All six sides are treated in the same way, with differing openings depending on their exposure. Small deviations in the rhythm of the vertical pilaster strips and the format sizes refine the uniformly aligned facades. The inclined wooden panels between the vertical wooden pilaster result in varying shadow effects and light reflections, providing the volume with a lively appearance. The proportion of windows varies across the facades. The loggias seek southern exposure and embed themselves unobtrusively into the geometry of the structure. Cantilevered components, such as balconies and oriels, are avoided.


▼停车场,parking lot

由光伏板和纤维水泥板构成的屋面同样遵循了立面的设计原则 —— 清晰、均匀,少碎片化。屋脊部分朝向南侧打开,创造出了有顶棚的半户外露台。可以说,本项目完美体现了优雅的设计、平静的氛围,以及对周边社区环境的尊重。

The extensive roof surfaces follow the design intention of the facades: A clear, homogeneous, and less fragmented appearance, even though it is of photovoltaic and fiber cement panels. Two pinnacles facing south are inscribed into the roof surfaces analogous to the loggias. The new building is a respectful, calm, and elegant addition to the neighborhood.

▼顶层露台,top floor loggia

▼夜景,night view


▼底层平面图,ground floor plan

▼二层平面图,level +1 plan

▼三层平面图,level +2 plan

▼四层平面图,level +3 plan© Rossetti+Wyss Architects

▼五层平面图,level +4 plan



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