
善良正义人间烟火 2024-08-31 01:52:24
于千万人丛中,与你相逢 Among the multitude of people, I met you. 在这广袤无垠、辽阔无边的华夏大地之上,倘若全国之人排成队列从眼前逐一走过,哪怕只是匆匆一眼的打量,历经百年也难以全部看完。 On this vast and boundless land of China, if people from all over the country lined up and passed by one by one before our eyes, even with just a fleeting glance, it would be impossible to see them all in a hundred years. 那茫茫的人海,犹如无边无际的璀璨星河,浩瀚无垠。 The vast sea of people is like an endless and brilliant galaxy, immense and boundless. 茫茫的尘世之中,相识无疑是一种缘分。 In the vast and mundane world, acquaintance is undoubtedly a kind of fate. 同城之人,或许每日都在同一片天空下呼吸,在同一条街道旁踯躅徘徊,然而却未必能够产生擦肩。 People in the same city may breathe under the same sky every day and linger around the same street, yet they may not necessarily have a brush past. 但是,你我竟在这万千人丛不期而遇。 However, you and I unexpectedly met among the thousands of people. 就在那一瞬间,仿佛时间凝固,喧嚣的世界陡然安静下来。 At that moment, it seemed as if time froze and the noisy world suddenly quieted down. 目光交汇之际,心湖之中层层涟漪泛起。 When our eyes met, layers of ripples arose in the lake of our hearts. 这是命运那双灵巧之手精心编织的奇迹,是上苍恩赐的无比珍贵的礼物。 This is a miracle meticulously woven by the dexterous hands of fate and an extremely precious gift bestowed by God. 我们的相遇,绝非偶然,而是冥冥之中的必然注定。 Our encounter was by no means accidental but a predestined certainty in the unseen. 于千万人之中,不早一分,不晚一秒,恰恰好遇见了你。 Among millions of people, neither a minute earlier nor a second later, I just happened to meet you precisely. 这是一份可遇而不可求的缘分,是生命里最为美丽的意外之喜。 This is an encounterable but unobtainable fate, the most beautiful pleasant surprise in life. 自此以后,每一个温暖的微笑,每一次真心的倾诉,每一回携手并肩的同行,都化作了岁月长河中最为温馨的篇章。 Since then, every warm smile, every sincere confession, and every time of walking hand in hand together have all turned into the most heartwarming chapters in the long river of years. 愿这份缘分,如同璀璨耀眼的星辰,永远闪耀在心底,照亮我们前行的路途,直至永恒。 May this fate, like the brilliant and dazzling stars, always shine in the bottom of our hearts, illuminating our way forward until eternity.
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