
文案巧思坊 2024-06-27 20:46:12

1. 真爱不是超市里的促销品,不能随便捡便宜。如果她把真心交给你,那可比钻石还珍贵,别弄丢了,不然你可得去挖矿了!

*True love is not a supermarket sale item; you can't just pick up a bargain. If she gives you her heart, it's more precious than a diamond. Don't lose it, or you might have to go mining!*

2. 陪伴是最长情的告白,如果她愿意陪你走过人生的起起落落,那她对你的爱,比电视剧里的浪漫情节还要真实。

*Accompanying is the longest confession of love. If she is willing to accompany you through the ups and downs of life, her love for you is more real than the romantic plots in TV dramas.*

3. 当她说“不离不弃”,那不是电影台词,是她对你深情的承诺。记得,这承诺比任何誓言都要重,别让她等太久。

*When she says "never leave or forsake," it's not a movie line; it's her deep promise to you. Remember, this promise is heavier than any oath, don't keep her waiting too long.*

4. 如果她对你的爱,像对待限量版包包一样小心翼翼,那你可得小心了,这不是普通的爱,这是限量版的深情。

*If her love for you is as careful as treating a limited edition bag, you'd better be careful. This is not ordinary love; this is the limited edition of deep affection.*

5. 真爱不是一见钟情,而是在时间的长河里,她愿意和你一起慢慢变老。如果她陪你走过四季,那她对你的爱,比春天的花还要绚烂。

*True love is not about falling in love at first sight, but about being willing to grow old with you in the long river of time. If she accompanies you through the seasons, her love for you is more splendid than the flowers of spring.*

6. 当她在你身边,不管是你的高峰还是低谷,她都不离不弃,那她对你的爱,比任何甜言蜜语都要甜。

*When she is by your side, whether it's your peak or your trough, and she never leaves or forsakes, her love for you is sweeter than any sweet talk.*

7. 如果她对你的爱,让你感觉像是中了大奖,那恭喜你,因为你找到了那个愿意与你共度一生的人。

*If her love for you feels like winning the lottery, congratulations, because you've found the one who is willing to spend a lifetime with you.*

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