
U才优料 2024-07-26 17:11:09


While the chip upcycle is expected to continue in the near term, geopolitical risks could pose a bigger hurdle for Asian exporters next year and beyond.


While Asia remains the main production hub for the global supply chain, we are now seeing a divergence between countries.

例如,越南正在成为半导体领域更重要的贸易伙伴。这可能是中美技术贸易紧张局势升级的结果;随着芯片制造商的供应链多元化,越南似乎是最大的受益者。与此同时,今年上半年对中国的芯片出口有所复苏——但这主要是受价格效应的推动。中国和香港仍然占据半导体行业的中心位置,而韩国与中国和香港的贸易量自 2022 年以来一直在萎缩。

For example, Vietnam is becoming a more important trading partner in the semiconductor sector. This may be the result of escalating tensions between China and the US over technology trade; As chipmakers diversify their supply chains, Vietnam appears to be the biggest beneficiary. Meanwhile, chip exports to China recovered in the first half of the year - but this was mainly driven by price effects. China and Hong Kong still occupy a central position in the semiconductor industry, while South Korea's trade volume with China and Hong Kong has been shrinking since 2022.

South Korea's top 10 trading partners


韩国信息和通信技术 (ICT) 行业增长强劲,这主要得益于当前全球科技周期的回升。韩国芯片制造商受益于美国近期人工智能技术投资的增加以及内存价格的回升。

South Korea's information and communications technology (ICT) sector is growing strongly, largely thanks to the upturn in the current global technology cycle. South Korean chipmakers have benefited from a recent increase in investment in artificial intelligence technology in the United States and a recovery in memory prices.

今年上半年,韩国芯片出口和进口分别增长了 52.2% 和 8.3%,但从数量来看,出口增长了 35%,而进口下降了 30%。

In the first half of this year, South Korea's chip exports and imports increased by 52.2% and 8.3%, respectively, but in terms of volume, exports increased by 35%, while imports fell by 30%.

2024 年上半年韩国芯片贸易强劲增长。有利的价格效应推动了这一数字:

Korea's chip trade grew strongly in the first half of 2024. Favorable price effects drove this figure:


Chart: Strong growth in South Korea's chip trade


South Korea's export data shows that its top 10 chip trading partners are all in Asia, further consolidating Asia's position as a global chip hub.

从价值上看,韩国与中国和香港的贸易总额占芯片贸易总额的 76% 以上,从数量上看,约占贸易总额的 52%。我们还发现,与十年前相比,越南的作用已显著增强,而印度虽然仍是一个小角色,但似乎最近已进入半导体领域。

In terms of value, South Korea's trade with China and Hong Kong accounted for more than 76% of the total chip trade, and in terms of volume, about 52% of the total trade. We also find that Vietnam's role has increased significantly compared to a decade ago, while India, while still a small player, appears to have recently entered the semiconductor space.


Figure: South Korea's top 10 chip trading partners

Position in semiconductor equipment field



From the perspective of semiconductor manufacturing equipment, developed countries still have a comparative advantage. Japan leads the market, followed by the United States, the Netherlands, Germany and Israel. In the first half of this year, Korea's equipment imports (-17.7 percent) and imports (-4.5 percent) both declined, but this may be due to the globalization of production bases. South Korean semiconductor companies are building production bases overseas, especially in the United States.

图:2024 年上半年韩国芯片制造设备进口量下降

Figure: South Korea's imports of chip manufacturing equipment declined in the first half of 2024


In he semiconductor industry, Japan is not a semiconductor powerhouse compared to South Korea and Taiwan, but Japan does have a technological advantage in semiconductor manufacturing equipment.


Japan has been an active participant in U.S. semiconductor sanctions against China, so we initially expected a negative impact on Japanese exports to China this year. However, Japan's exports to China, especially semiconductor manufacturing equipment, have proved to be surging.


Increased US efforts to slow China's semiconductor process development appear to be pushing the country to buy chip manufacturing equipment in advance of tougher export regulations in the future. As a result, the technology export ban has actually temporarily had a positive impact on Japanese exports to China. We found that Japan's exports of semiconductor machinery to China increased significantly, while exports to the rest of the world were flat.


Chart: Japanese chip-making equipment exports grew only to China

据行业报告,中国一直在提高产能,主要是后处理阶段,包括封装和测试。目前这还不受任何制裁措施的约束。光刻产品用于制造 28 纳米或更大的封装,这意味着该技术已经有十多年的历史了。一般来说,后处理通常涉及各种零件和产品的手工组装。这就是为什么大多数工厂都集中在劳动力丰富的中国和东南亚。

According to industry reports, China has been ramping up production capacity, mainly in the post-processing stage, including packaging and testing. This is not currently subject to any sanctions. Photolithography products are used to make packages of 28 nanometers or larger, which means the technology has been around for more than a decade. In general, post-processing usually involves the manual assembly of various parts and products. That's why most factories are concentrated in labor-rich China and Southeast Asia.

日本的出口似乎主要是光刻设备,该设备不在美国的技术出口禁令名单上。然而,后工序在整个制造过程中几乎占代工厂总份额的 76%。

Japan's exports appear to be mostly lithography equipment, which is not on the U.S. technology export ban list. However, the post-production process accounts for almost 76% of the total foundry share in the entire manufacturing process.


In the long term, the United States hopes to reduce its supply chain risk in China by mass-producing semiconductors in countries with friendlier relations with the United States. However, investment in production line automation technology is likely to come into focus due to high labor costs, with many companies including Intel, TSMC and Samsung Electronics investing in post-processing in Japan. The Japanese government has also designated semiconductors as an industry critical to economic security and has significantly increased its budget to support them. As a result, we expect Japanese investment in semiconductors to increase in the coming years, with Japan playing a more significant role in the reprocessing segment.


The latest trade figures confirm that global demand for semiconductors is strong, with demand mainly coming from the United States and China for different reasons. The US market is more related to AI technology, while demand in the Chinese market will accelerate as the country strives to become more self-sufficient in technology before the trade ban is further tightened. In fact, South Korean semiconductor manufacturers appear to be reducing their dependence on China, which has been underway for the past year or two.


While the chip upcycle is expected to continue in the near term, geopolitical risks could pose a bigger hurdle for Asian exporters next year and beyond.

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