
新烟谈人啊 2024-09-13 01:26:36


Grab a bite: 先吃点东西垫肚子

例句:Ross and I were gonna go grab a bite, but now that you're here, maybe we could go have that dinner.

从这个句子前后对比可以看出来,Grab a bite 就是简单对付几口,类似于吃个快餐。而后面的have the dinner 则是相对比较正式的晚餐了。

2. One's pants are on fire: 谎言被当众戳穿

例句:I smell smoke. Maybe that's because someone's pants are on fire.

Liar, liar, someone's pants are on fire.

当你识破了别人的谎言时,你可以用这个表达someone's pants are on fire,也就是当众戳穿谎言。

3. Make it: 赴约,成功做到。

例句:What's the final head count on my baby shower? 我的产前派对最终人数是多少?

About twenty. Couple people from work had something else to do.


Also both of your sisters called and neither make it.

这里的Make it 指的是赴约,打电话说明了未能赴约的原因。

I think you can make it through hard-working. 这里的Make it 就指的是成功做到。

4. In the mood for: 有心情做....

例句:He is in the mood for the celebration. He won the game.

当你赢了比赛,取得好成绩,成功做成一件事或者其他好事发生的时候,你都会心情愉悦地想做什么,这个时候就用in the mood for 来表达你愉悦的心情。

5. Have a thing for: 喜欢,对...有强烈的好感。

例句:The two girls all have a thing for him. He is very charming.


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