
文案巧思坊 2024-06-29 10:01:00

1. “真正爱过你的男人,分手后不会再联系你,不是因为他忘了你,而是因为他不想让你再次陷入痛苦的漩涡。”

The man who truly loved you won't contact you after the breakup, not because he has forgotten you, but because he doesn't want you to fall into the vortex of pain again.

2. “他害怕联系你后,自己还没放下,却又让你为难。”

He fears that after contacting you, he still hasn't let go, yet he makes it difficult for you.

3. “他希望你能过上幸福的新生活,所以选择不打扰,默默祝福。”

He hopes you can live a happy new life, so he chooses not to disturb and silently blesses you.

4. “他舍不得让你再次经历分手的痛苦,所以宁愿自己消失,也不愿再让你掉眼泪。”

He can't bear to let you experience the pain of breaking up again, so he would rather disappear himself than let you cry again.

5. “离开不是突然的决定,而是失望累积到一定程度后的必然结果。真正爱过你的人,会给你最后的温柔,就是不再打扰。”

Leaving is not a sudden decision, but the inevitable result of accumulated disappointment. The person who truly loved you will give you the last gentleness, which is not to disturb anymore.

6. “分手后还联系,不过是因为不甘心。真正爱过你的男人,会坦然接受分手,祝你幸福。”

Maintaining contact after a breakup is just because of unwillingness. The man who truly loved you will calmly accept the breakup and wish you happiness.

7. “他爱过你,所以明白,不打扰才是对你最好的保护。”

He loved you, so he understood that not disturbing is the best protection for you.

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