
富甲北京 2024-09-02 16:09:28


Evolving as deliberately as the forest which surrounds it, the Paintbrush Residence stands as testament to the longevity of thoughtful design. Situated in a dappled Aspen grove outside Jackson, Wyoming, the treehouse-like project reorients the occupant to their place in nature, bringing them into a closer, more intimate cohabitation. Under CLB’s care, the home has been carefully crafted and recrafted over the past two decades in a series of graceful iterations which support the site’s shifting inhabitants.

▼建筑与周围环境概览,overall of the project and surrounding environment© Matthew Millman

▼住宅外观,exterior views of the house© Matthew Millman

▼近景,closer view© Matthew Millman


Initially completed by CLB in 2003, the 2,400 square-foot home straddles both spatial and budgetary constraints on a picturesque site with a small buildable area. The owner wanted a home which would immerse the occupant in nature, calling for a lightness and porosity that was missing from the dark 1970s-era cabin which existed on site.

▼远景,viewing the project at distance© Matthew Millman

▼耐候钢外立面留下了时间的痕迹,the weathering steel facade has left traces of time© Matthew Millman


Rearticulating vernacular forms through modular components and machined details, and incorporating slow-weathering materials such as oxidized steel and cedar, CLB sought to render a structure that would sit lightly and change subtly over time – an organic object within the landscape.

▼部分悬挑出来的体量,suspended volume© Matthew Millman


The residence’s design upends the public-to-private relationships of a traditional home, positioning the kitchen, master bedroom, and living room on the upper level nestled within Aspen canopy. The airy and light-filled volume is revealed dramatically at the top of the stairs, when the occupant finally “emerges” into the treetops. A cantilevered, cedar-clad projection from the second level further extends the immersion, allowing daily activities to coexist within expansive views of the outdoors.

▼悬挑体量室内视角,interior view of the suspended volume© Matthew Millman

▼客厅,living room© Matthew Millman

▼客厅细部,details of the living room© Matthew Millman

“设计旨在重新组织主要生活空间,引入良好景观视野与自然采光。因此,体量中呈现出一种与传统住宅空间相比上下颠倒的空间布局。从低处开始,由楼梯向上,来到这个宛如琴键般的空间,视线逐渐上升,穿过树梢飘向天空,它就像一座很酷的树屋,完全改变了人们在场地中的感受。”Eric Logan说道。

“It was also about reorganizing the way their main living level would relate to views and light, so the box presents a kind of upside-down living situation. You begin low, climbing the stairs and then you’re on this kind of piano nobile — this thing lifted into the sky, into the canopy of the trees. So it really has a kind of cool treehouse sort of feel about it. It just totally changes the way you feel when you’re on the site.” says Eric Logan.

▼通透的立面与充满光线的室内空间,transparent facade and the interior space with light© Matthew Millman


A continuous band of glazed clerestories demarcate the high ceilings from exterior walls and filter sunlight into the interior. On the lower level, a guest bedroom and entry area sit close to the hillside, flooded with light by the expansive, two-story window which lines the main stairwell.

▼楼梯,staircase© Matthew Millman


Twenty years after its original construction, the home’s care was transferred to a new owner who found inspiration in its humble materials, minimalist detailing, and evocative light quality. Seeking to update the home in its existing design language, the new owner wrote a letter to CLB asking them to revisit the project. The new design works within the decisive structural gestures of the original, while refreshing harder-wearing spaces and surfaces with finely-crafted details and warm, tactile, natural finishes. Updated elements were fabricated and constructed through modular and machined techniques similar to those used in the original iteration. The team worked closely with the client to select an elevated palette of materials, prioritizing durability and a play of textures. In the kitchen, white oak cabinetry modules are framed by powder-coated steel to mimic the home’s structurally expressive exterior, and a reinvented island allows for easy entertaining. The master bathroom reverses the original plan, positioning the bathtub near the window and wrapping the ceiling and walls in tile and warm wood finishes.

▼厨房,kitchen© Matthew Millman

▼厨房细部,details of the kitchen© Matthew Millman

提及到建筑的原始设计时,Eric Logan说:“它的设计非常简单,谦逊的材料可以为自己说话,并以一种朴实的方式组合在一起,所以我们将这些螺丝和所有来自五金店的构件,以一种经过深思熟虑的方式组合在一起,进而与场地相互呼应、相得益彰。”

“Very simple, kind of humble materials that get to speak for themselves, and putting it together in a matter-of-fact way so we are seeing screws and embracing all this stuff that comes from the hardware store, but putting it together in a way that is deliberate and specific to this particular site.” Eric Logan says referencing the original design.

▼卧室,bedroom© Matthew Millman

▼露台,terrace© Matthew Millman

“这座住宅几乎就像一件精心制作的家具,在一段时间内有着不同的迭代。屋主人关心好的、真实的设计,这是我们真正欣赏也是我们感同身受的……走上楼梯,充满自然光线的巨大空间体量展现于眼前,白杨树带来了斑驳光影给我们带来了巨大的惊喜。”Eric Logan说道。

“ It’s almost like a really well crafted piece of furniture, with different iterations over a period of time.……She cares about good, authentic design, and that’s something we can really appreciate and relate to……Once you ascend the stairs and are presented with this great big volume with all this natural light – that kind of dappled light of the Aspens – it’s quite a surprise.”Eric Logan says.

▼洗手池,washing basin© Matthew Millman


The honesty of each material and connection is brought to the surface in an echo of the original, from expressed screw heads to machined cabinet elements. Drawing from the past and opening up new possibilities for the future, the home’s design embraces its process and the specifics of its place.

▼卫生间,toilets© Matthew Millman

▼浴室,bathroom© Matthew Millman

“我们始终致力于打造雕塑感,以照明、挤压和镶嵌的方法来制作橱柜,最终呈现出非常美丽的效果……屋主人与Eric对这座住宅的看法是如此紧密相连。从这个角度来看,整个项目从设计到落成的过程都非常有趣。”Sarah Kennedy说道。

“What we ended up doing was creating something that had a little bit more of a crafted feel with the lighting and extrusions and inlaid approach to cabinetry, it’s really beautiful……She was so connected to the way Eric had thought about the house. It was intriguing from that perspective.” says Sarah Kennedy

▼夜景,night views© Matthew Millman

▼主要楼层平面图,main level plan© CLB Architects

▼上层平面图,upper level plan© CLB Architects

▼剖面图A,section A© CLB Architects

▼剖面图B,section B© CLB Architects

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