
满满薄荷 2025-01-21 21:58:55

praise [preɪz] ① n. 称赞,表扬;(对上帝的)赞颂 ② v. 赞扬,表扬

例句 A new documentary posits that the sinking of the ship—hailed at the time as the largest ever built, and praised for its professed unsinkability—may

have been accelerated by a giant coal fire in its hull that appeared to have started as long as three weeks before it set off on its fateful journey to

New York from Southampton,England.【2017-1《纽约时报》】

一部新的纪录片认为,可能是船体中一场巨大的煤火加速了这艘船的沉没—该船在当时被誉为史上最大并因自诩“永不沉没”而为人称颂—而这场火灾似乎早在从英国南安普敦至纽约的那趟宿命之旅启航的 3 周之前就已经发生了

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