
上海外事商务咨询中心 2024-05-22 07:33:05

On May 14, the Ministry of Finance issued the "Notice on Matters Related to Opening the Accounting Professional Qualification Examination to Foreign Personnel," allowing foreign nationals who legally work and reside in the country to take the accounting professional qualification examination. The same examination system as domestic candidates will be implemented.


The notice mentions that foreign nationals who meet the registration requirements for the accounting professional qualification examination can register based on the principle of proximity and convenience. Those with work units in China should register at their place of employment; students enrolled in schools in China should register at their place of study; other individuals should register at their place of residence in the country. All candidates must take the exam at their registered location.


This notice will take effect on June 1, 2024.


Notice on Matters Related to Opening the Accounting Professional Qualification Examination to Foreign Personnel


To promote high-level opening up, it has been decided by the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security to open the accounting professional qualification examination to foreign nationals who legally work and reside in the country. The same examination system as for domestic candidates will be implemented. The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:


1. Registration Location


Foreign nationals who meet the registration requirements for the accounting professional qualification examination should register based on the principle of proximity and convenience. Those with work units in China should register at their place of employment; students enrolled in schools in China should register at their place of study; other individuals should register at their place of residence in the country. All candidates must take the exam at their registered location.


2. Verification of Registration Conditions


Foreign nationals must submit identification documents such as valid passports during registration.


If the registration conditions include requirements for educational qualifications, degrees, and years of accounting work experience, the corresponding qualifications or degree certificates recognized by the administrative department of education under the State Council, as well as proof of years of accounting work experience issued by the applicant's employer, must be submitted. Accounting work experience abroad can be included in the accounting work experience years for foreign nationals.


3. Work Requirements


All levels of accounting professional qualification examination management institutions should strengthen policy promotion, carefully organize and implement the examination, improve the level of examination services, and ensure that foreign nationals can participate smoothly and orderly in the accounting professional qualification examination.


This notice will take effect on June 1, 2024.


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