
美剧单词课程 2024-11-19 03:43:36

“底线”的英文表达及解释:“底线”在英文中通常被翻译为“bottom line”。这个词组在商业语境中常用来表示公司的盈亏底线,即盈利或亏损的最低限度。但在日常生活中,“bottom line”更多地被用来形容一个人或组织不容侵犯的基本原则或最低要求。它代表着我们的尊严、价值观和信仰,是我们行事和做决定的基准。


我的底线是不允许任何形式的欺骗和背叛。My bottom line is that I won't tolerate any form of deceit and betrayal.在这个问题上,我已经明确了我的底线,不会做出任何让步。On this issue, I've made my bottom line clear and won't make any concessions.



国际社会对伊朗的核计划实施了严厉的经济制裁。The international community has imposed harsh economic sanctions on Iran's nuclear program.由于该国持续侵犯人权,联合国决定对其实施全面的外交制裁。Due to the country's continued human rights abuses, the United Nations has decided to impose comprehensive diplomatic sanctions against it.



这两支球队的冠军争夺战已经进入了白热化阶段。The championship battle between these two teams has reached the white-hot stage.随着选举日的临近,政治辩论变得越来越白热化。As the election day approaches, the political debate has become increasingly white-hot.
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