于七夕的浩渺星空之下,Under the vast starry sky on the Qixi Festival, 思念恰似繁星璀璨,Thoughts are just like the brilliant stars, 熠熠生辉且深邃无垠。shining brightly and being profoundly boundless. 每一颗星皆承载着一段珍贵回忆,Each star carries a precious memory, 每一道光芒皆蕴含着一份缱绻眷恋。each ray of light contains a tender affection.
七夕,乃牛郎织女跨越迢迢银河的深情相拥,Qixi Festival is the passionate embrace of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl across the distant Milky Way, 亦是世间有情人心灵交融的美妙瞬间。and also the wonderful moment when the hearts of lovers in the world blend together. 在这殊胜的日子里,On this special day, 爱情的馥郁芬芳在空气中悠悠弥漫,The rich fragrance of love spreads gently in the air, 令人心醉魂迷。making people intoxicated and charmed.
我曾于茫茫人海里竭力寻觅你的倩影,I once tried my best to look for your beautiful figure in the vast sea of people, 仿若于漆黑夜幕中探寻那颗最为耀眼的星辰。as if exploring the most dazzling star in the dark night sky. 当我们的目光交相辉映,When our glances intersected, 那一刻,时光仿若凝固,At that moment, time seemed to freeze, 整个世界唯余你我。and the whole world only had you and me.
七夕的微风,The gentle breeze of Qixi Festival, 轻柔地拂过面庞,gently brushed across the face, 携来的是专属于你的独特气息,bringing the unique scent that belongs only to you, 是那熟悉至深且能令我心跳骤然加速的迷人味道。which is the familiar and charming smell that can make my heart beat suddenly faster. 我甘愿与你并肩走过每一个春夏秋冬,I am willing to walk side by side with you through every spring, summer, autumn and winter, 一同观赏日出日落,watch the sunrise and sunset together, 一同领略云卷云舒。and appreciate the clouds gathering and scattering together.
亲爱的,Dear, 在这七夕良宵,On this beautiful night of Qixi Festival, 让我们的爱仿若银河般永恒潺潺流淌,Let our love flow eternally like the Milky Way, 无畏岁月的无情侵蚀,Fearless of the ruthless erosion of time, 无惧风雨的凌厉洗礼。and not afraid of the fierce baptism of wind and rain. 只因有你,Because of you, 我的世界方才晕染出缤纷色彩;My world just gets dyed with colorful colors; 只因有你,Because of you, 我的生命方才拥有了非凡意义。My life just acquires extraordinary significance.
愿我们的爱情,May our love, 在七夕的祥瑞祝福之中愈发坚毅笃定,become firmer and more determined in the auspicious blessings of Qixi Festival, 直至地老天荒,永恒不变。until the end of time and remain unchanged forever.