剑18 T1 P2
Which TWO issues does the speaker ask the audience to consider before they apply to be volunteers?
A their financial situation
B their level of commitment
C their work experience
D their ambition
E their availability
You may think that your income is important, but we don't ask about that. It's up to you to decie if you can work without earning money. What we value is dedication.这道题就是很典型的答案后置陷阱,如果你听到income就判定这道题的答案和financial situation有关,那就要错啦。其实这道题的答案放在了最后一句,dedication才是重要的,也就是B选项,而不是A。要注意做这种题时,不要听见什么就选什么,一定要耐心听完再下笔。
What is the main feature of the new community center?
A. A large swimming pool
B. A modern gym
C. A spacious library
The new community center has several great features. There's a large swimming pool for all ages, a modern gym with the latest equipment, and a spacious library.However, the most impressive feature is the modern gym which has state-of-the-art facilities.从原文看,三个选项里提到的设施都出现了,但是注意题目问的是main feature,也就是最主要的,而原文里只有在说modern gym的时候说到了the most impressive feature,那么,显而易见只有B是正确答案了。这种陷阱需要同学们认真辨认,理解题目限定词的真正含义,再在听的时候和原文进行比对、寻找,不要听见什么就选什么。
What is the speaker’s opinion on the new library opening hours?
A. They are convenient for students.
B. They are too short.
C. They are not necessary.
The new library opening hours have been a topic of much debate. Officially, the hours have been extended to better serve the student population.From my perspective, these extended hours are quite convenient for students who need more time for study and research.这道题是比较简单的,因为from my perspective就是个明显的信号词,提醒你从这里开始答案即将出现。因此在遇到这样的陷阱时,同学们一方面要仔细审题,圈出关键词,比如问的是谁的观点,然后再在听的时候关注类似think, believe, agree或者in my opinion等这样的词汇短语出现,因为这些都是跟主观观点有关的,不会让你和客观事实混淆。
剑19 T3 P3
25 Clare might also consider doing another experiment involving
A other types of food supplement.
B different genetic strains of mice.
C varying amounts of exercise.
JAKE: ...Like, you could give some of the mice the chance to be more active, running on a wheel or something, and the others just sit around and don't do much.
CLARE: Or I could repeat the experiment but change the type of food I provided...or use mice with a different genetic structure. But I think your idea would be more interesting, I might think about that some more.这道题的真正答案其实不是Clare(女)说的那两种实验,而是在早前Jake(男)说过的话里,因为Clare最后说她觉得Jake的想法更有趣,她会多考虑那种而不是自己说的这些。所以这就是一种出尔反尔的方式,要求同学们在听的时候做好笔记,如果有同学因为题目是关于Clare的就只听Clare的部分,而不记得Jake的部分,那么这道题就很容易选错了。
剑17 T2 P3
29 The students found watching Romeo and Juliet in another language
A frustrating.
B demanding.
C moving.
ED: How did you find watching it in translation?
GEMMA: Really interesting. I expected to find it more challenging, but I could follow the story pretty well.
ED: I stopped worrying about not being able to understand all the words and focused on the actors' expressions. The ending was pretty powerful.
GEMMA: Yes. That somehow intensified the emotion for me.这道题的重点在后半部分,两个学生都不约而同提到了expressions和emotion,Gemma说演员的表情增强了情绪,那么这句话的言外之意是什么呢?其实就是让我们观众更能代入了,更加投入其中了,也就是情绪上更容易被打动了,所以答案就是C。这样的题目需要我们稍微推理一下。
不过针对这道题,不确定的话,同学们也可以用排除法,frustrating在interesting出现后可以被排掉,follow the story pretty well也可以把demanding排掉,最后就只剩下一个答案了。
剑18 T1 P2
11 Why does the speaker apologise about the seats?
A They are too small.
B There are not enough of them.
C Some of them are very close together.
By the way, I hope you're all comfortable - we have brought in extra seats so that no one has to stand, but it does mean that the people at the back of the room may be a bit squashed.首先,我们要知道squashed是什么意思,squash是“挤压”的意思,这个人是在说坐在后排的人会挤在一起,“the back of the room”和C选项的some对应,“squashed”和close together对应,只有后排的座位会拥挤些,那么自然C就是正确答案。这种陷阱,同学们平时多积累,多记忆,其实是很好跨过去的。
剑18 T1 P1
bus today was 6_____
Well, as I said, it's very convenient and quick when it's on time, but this morning it was late.这道题问的是today的情况,而不是平时的情况,所以自然不能填convenient或者quick,因为原文说了this morning的情况是late,不是和平时一样方便又快捷,所以答案是late。这种题目只要同学们注意关键词,其实是很容易做对的,不要太心急就行。