
上海外事商务咨询中心 2023-11-27 07:42:18

With the deepening of economic globalization, the employment needs of domestic enterprises are more diversified, and the number of foreign employment in China is increasing. For enterprises that have not hired foreign employees, it is necessary to understand the laws and regulations related to the employment of enterprises and foreigners in advance, and foreigners also need to understand China's work visa policies and regulations to avoid illegal work.


So what do companies need to pay attention to when hiring foreigners? The small edition of SFBC summarizes the following content according to the common problems in our service process, and the friends who need it can collect it.


I.What documents do foreigners need to apply for if they want to work in China?

一、 外籍人士想在中国就业需要办理哪些证件?

1. Work Permit Notice: If a foreigner wants to work in China, he or she must first apply for the "Notice of Work Permit for Foreigners in China", which is the first document that the applicant needs to apply for;


2. Work visa: After successfully applying for the work permit notice, you need to apply for a work visa (Z visa). Need to apply to Chinese embassies and consulates (visa centers);

2. 工作签证:在成功申请到工作许可通知之后,需要申请工作签证(Z签)。需要向中国驻外使领馆(签证中心)申请办理;

3. Work permit: After entering China with a Z visa, foreigners need to apply for a work permit, mainly to confirm that foreigners have legal qualifications to engage in the occupation in China;

3. 工作许可证:外国人持Z签入境之后,需要申请工作许可证,主要是为了确认外国人具有能够在中国从事该职业的合法资格;

4. Residence permit: After getting the work permit, you need to apply for a residence permit from the local Exit and Entry Administration department. The validity period of a residence permit is usually the same as that of a work permit.

4. 居留许可:拿到工作许可证后,还需要向当地出入境管理部门申请办理居留许可。居留许可的有效期通常与工作许可的有效期相同。



If the work permit is invalid, invalid, expired, or the unit indicated in the employment permit is inconsistent with the unit that actually provides labor, the foreign employee holding the work permit will be regarded as illegal employment.


II. Is the labor contract signed between the enterprise and the foreigner who has not obtained the work permit valid?

二、 企业与未获工作许可证的外国人签订的劳动合同是否有效?

Invalid! If a foreigner does not apply for the Employment Permit, Foreign Expert Certificate and Foreigner Work Permit, he/she has signed a labor contract with an employer in China and cannot be identified as having a labor relationship between the two parties. In case of disputes between the two parties, it shall be handled according to the labor relationship.


III. If a foreigner fails to apply for an employment permit, can he claim that the employer should pay economic compensation?

三、 外国人未办理就业证的,能否主张用人单位支付经济补偿金?

Usually not. According to Article 5 of the Regulations on the Administration of Employment of Foreigners in China, "The employing unit shall apply for an employment permit for the foreigner, and shall not employ the foreigner until it is approved and the Employment Permit Certificate of the People's Republic of China for Foreigners (hereinafter referred to as the license Certificate) is obtained."


Foreigners who provide labor activities in China, although the company does not purchase social insurance for them, but because they do not apply for employment permits, it is illegal employment, and economic compensation is not supported by law.


IV. Can foreign employees sign non-fixed term labor contracts with enterprises?

四、 外籍员工能否与企业签订无固定期限劳动合同?

Depending on the region. In practice, in some areas, such as Shanghai, Sichuan and Hainan, according to the Regulations on the Administration of Employment of Foreigners in China, the maximum term of a foreigner's labor contract shall not exceed five years is a mandatory norm, and the terms without a fixed term agreed by both parties are deemed invalid. In some areas, such as Beijing and Nanjing, according to Article 14 of the Labor Contract Law of the People's Republic of China, it is recognized that an employer and a worker may conclude a labor contract with no fixed term.


V. Does the enterprise need to pay social insurance for foreign employees?

五、 企业是否要为外籍员工缴纳社保?

Payment is required. Article 97 of the Social Insurance Law stipulates: "Foreigners who are employed in China shall participate in social insurance with reference to the provisions of this Law."


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