
上海外事商务咨询中心 2023-12-12 20:10:38

In the past three years, due to the impact of the novel coronavirus pneumonia, the country's control of entry and exit and visa approval have been restricted to varying degrees, which has led to many foreign customers deeply aware of the difficulties of visa application and travel to China during the epidemic period. During the epidemic, it often takes a lot of time and effort for foreigners to re-enter the country after leaving the country. Although the epidemic has ended now, China has also summed up the experience during the epidemic period, and the supervision of foreigners who want to apply for coming to China is becoming more and more strict, and the approval process is becoming more and more standardized. As a result, even at present, foreigners who want to apply for short-term visas to frequent travel to China are still particularly cumbersome, energy-consuming and financial. As a result, more and more foreigners are inquiring about permanent residence in China.


China permanent residence permit, has the "world's most difficult to get the green card" said, in the application process there are a lot of problems need to pay attention to, if foreigners do not understand the details of the application directly try to apply, not only easily lead to the failure of the application, if left a bad record, and even will try to apply again in the future have a profound impact. Through this article, SFBC will talk about the precautions for applying for a permanent residence permit in China.


What should you pay attention to during the application process to avoid failure?


1. The original Chinese hukou has not been cancelled. This question mainly applies to applicants who originally held Chinese nationality but later acquired foreign nationality. Because China does not recognize dual citizenship, when an applicant becomes a foreign citizen, he or she must first renounce the Chinese nationality and cancel the Chinese hukou. The Chinese permanent residence status is a kind of identity convenience given to foreigners in China, if they still retain a Chinese hukou, they must not apply for permanent residence in China. Not only that, when the original Chinese account is disclosed, the exit and entry department will require the applicant to forcibly cancel the account, otherwise it will even have a bad impact on the applicant's subsequent application for other visa documents.


2. False materials were found during the audit. When the applicant submits the application for permanent residence, the National Immigration Administration will strictly examine the materials provided by the applicant. If any falsification of the materials is found, the application will fail and affect the future application.


3. Failure to conduct an on-site interview results in the application being rejected. According to the Measures for the Administration of Examination and Approval of Foreigners' Permanent Residence in China, when a foreigner applies for permanent residence in China, he/she or the parents of unmarried children under the age of 18 or the entrusted person shall submit an application to the public security organ of the people's government of the district level of the main investment place or the long-term residence place, or to the public security branch or county bureau of the municipality directly under the Central Government. However, according to the experience of SFBC in assisting customers in their application, the applicant is basically required to go to the exit and entry interview in person when the applicant is in China, otherwise the application is generally not accepted.

3.不能进行现场面试导致申请被退。根据《外国人在中国永久居留审批管理办法》规定:外国人申请在中国永久居留,由本人或者未满 18 周岁未婚子女的父母或者被委托人向主要投资地或者长期居留地的设区的市级人民政府公安机关或者直辖市公安分、县局提出申请。但根据SFBC实际协助客户申请的经验来说,申请人在境内时出入境基本都会要求申请人亲自前往出入境进行面谈,否则申请一般不予以受理。

4. Confirm that the background audit does not meet the eligibility for application. Although the application for permanent residence is accepted by local entry-exit authorities, the actual approval and review of materials are carried out by the National Immigration Administration of China. Therefore, sometimes, after the local entry-exit acceptance and approval, the national review finds that the applicant does not actually meet the application requirements for permanent residence, which ultimately leads to the failure of the application. As a professional organization, SFBC has successfully assisted many clients in obtaining permanent residence status. Customers who pass our assessment and meet the requirements of the application can successfully obtain permanent residence status in China as long as they successfully submit their application for permanent residence.


The above points are some of the reasons that SFBC can easily lead to the failure of permanent residence application through years of experience. As a professional organization, SFBC can provide professional copywriting support to help applicants prepare the materials of permanent residence application more completely and accurately, face the interview of permanent residence application more calmly, avoid the trap of permanent residence application, and successfully obtain the status of permanent residence in China. Please consult SFBC if necessary.


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