
水里小小鱼 2024-09-06 16:59:11


设计师Alexander Bocharov在仅仅只有83㎡的公寓当中,利用高饱和度的色彩进行相互搭配,让整个空间变得更加融合,在有限的空间当中,更能够展示整个空间当中的宽阔。


Stylist lets dining-room and sitting room undertake open design, make the whole space is open, had certain oneness on the field of vision, the mutual fusion of different material is outstanding the soft beauty between different material.


Stylist chose blackish green chair to undertake mutual ornament in porch place, ivory and camel color are the mass-tone tone in whole space, let whole space become more sweet and harmonious.


The dark green that stylist chose restoring ancient ways in the bedroom serves as the mass-tone tone in the space, the French window of large area can satisfy the daylighting requirement in whole space again.


The designer chose light blue as the main color in the children's room, which makes the whole space full of childlike wood floors and shows the warmth and relaxation of the whole space.


The cloakroom stylist of goodwife undertakes reasonable layout division, the lamplight of embedded type lets whole space become very bright, the administrative levels in the design concept that does not have advocate lamp shows whole space again.


Stylist chose dark tone as before in toilet, plus the lamplight of warm yellow, let whole space become very sweet, the closestool of suspension type can increase the administrative levels in whole space again.


Stylist chooses white and green mutual confluence in second toilet, can highlight the pure and fresh and vigor in whole space, also showed the clever sex in whole space.

About. Alexander Bocharov

来自乌克兰的设计师Alexander Bocharov是一家Bodes室内工作事务所,他们会倾听所有顾客的愿望,并且为他们打造不一样的家缘,对于他们来说顾客的要求便是他们的设计源泉。

Ukrainian designer Alexander Bocharov, of Bodes Interior Studio, listens to the wishes of all clients and creates a different home for them. For them, the client's request is their design source.



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