
祉琛谈情 2024-11-06 03:11:57

Non-fiction:Our garden。

Heather Hammonds,Text Type:Observation,Running Words:120。

·1.Reod eoch chapter heading ond poge number on the contents poge,Find these heodings on the apprcprote poges。

·2.Drscuss why birds need water?My little spode。

·3.Flowers,Key Questions。

→1.Why do you think the boy likes to look at the flowers?

→2.What do you think they ore going to do with the leoves?(lnferential)。

·4.Birds,Leoves,Helping Dad,Glossary。

·5.Our garden,This is our garden.

→I help my dad in the garden.

→Dad digs in the garden,too.

→He digs in the garden with a big spade.

→Here are some flowers.

→The flowers are in a pot.

→I like to look at the flowers.

→Little bugs go into the flowers.

→Can you see a little bug on a leaf?

·6.This water is for the birds.

→Birds come into our garden.

→This bird is on the grass.

→It is going to eat the worm.

·7.Leaves,Look at the leaves.

→Leaves come off the trees.

·8.Helping Dad,I like helping Dad.

·9.u see in the boy's garden?Whot do they use the spodes for?

·10.They use the spodes to.

·11.What does the boy do to help hs father?

·12.What is the name of the bug in He cleans the leaves in the garden?

·13.What do you want to have in your garden?

·14.What can you see in the boy's garden?

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