首先,夸人身材好,我们更常用的是“You have a great figure”或者“You're in great shape”。这两个表达既专业又不失礼貌,比起直白的“Your body is so good”要更加自然流畅。
Wow, you have a great figure! Look at those curves!
“颜值担当”用英语该怎么说?“颜值担当”这个词在中文里是用来形容某人因其外貌出众而成为团队或场合中的亮点。在英语中,我们可以说“You're the face of the group/party”或者更流行一点的“You're a total looker”。
You're a total looker, man. Girls can't help but notice you. (你真是个帅哥,女生们都忍不住要看你。)
长得很丑用英语怎么说?虽然直接评价他人的外貌不太礼貌,但有时候为了表达某种情绪或幽默感,我们可能需要用到这样的表达。注意,用词要尽量委婉,避免伤害他人感情。可以用“You're not conventionally attractive”或者“You're not what most people would call good-looking”。
Don't take it personally, but you're not conventionally attractive. It's more about your personality that shines.
颜值一般用英语怎么说?如果你想表达某人外貌普通,没有特别出众,可以说“You're average-looking”或者“You have a plain face”。当然,最好还是用更积极的方式去描述,比如强调性格魅力。
You're average-looking, but your smile lights up the room.