
新知很多科技情 2024-07-11 19:00:36

漏洞是什么意思?又被翻译带歪了,直到看到英文单词 Bug 我才恍然大悟。


1 英语原意

缺陷、漏洞 bug

2 英文解释

2.1 单词解释

1)bug noun (INSECT)

a very small insect



Hang on - there's a bug in your hair - let me get it out for you.Will this spray get rid of those little black bugs that are attacking my shrubs?

2)bug noun (ILLNESS)

a bacteria or a virus causing an illness that is usually not serious


I had a tummy/stomach bug last week.上周我的肠胃出了点小毛病。There's a bug going around (= an illness that many people are getting).有种细菌引起的疾病现正在流行。


a mistake or problem in a computer program


A bug caused the company's computer system to crash.程序缺陷导致公司的计算机系统崩溃。3 Why Do We Call Them Bugs?为什么我们叫它们虫子?

The term "bug" predates the invention of computers, and we don't actually know who originally coined the term "bug" to refer to an engineering defect. In written records, historians have traced it back to Thomas Edison in the 1870s at the earliest.


Edison used the term in his personal notes and correspondence to mean a difficult problem that needed solving or an engineering defect that needed fixing. He even joked about the term being related to insects, writing in an 1878 letter:


"You were partly correct, I did find a 'bug' in my apparatus, but it was not in the telephone proper. It was of the genus 'callbellum.' The insect appears to find conditions for its existence in all call apparatus of Telephones."


While some take Edison's examples to mean that he coined the term "bug," it's possible that it originated from someone else earlier and that he merely popularized the term among his engineering friends and associates. The Oxford English Dictionary cites an 1889 example related to Edison that describes a bug as a metaphor for an insect crawling into a piece of equipment and making it malfunction, suggesting that a real bug doing just that might have originally inspired the term, similar to the term "fly in the ointment."


Setting the word "bug" aside for a moment, the first known person in history to realize that software may malfunction due to errors in programming was Ada Lovelace. She wrote about the problem way back in 1843 in her commentary about Charles Babbage's Analytical Engine.

把“bug”这个词放在一边,历史上第一个认识到软件可能由于编程错误而发生故障的人是Ada Lovelace。早在1843年,她就在对查尔斯·巴贝奇的分析机的评论中提到了这个问题。

"To this it may be replied that an analysing process must equally have been performed in order to furnish the Analytical Engine with the necessary operative data; and that herein may also lie a possible source of error. Granted that the actual mechanism is unerring in its processes, the cards may give it wrong orders."

“对此,可以回答说,分析过程必须同样进行,以便为分析机提供必要的 执行部分 数据;并且这里也可能存在错误的可能来源。假设实际的机制在其过程中是正确的, 卡 可能会给予错误的命令。“

In this quote, Lovelace refers to the actual calculating mechanism being error-free in the way that it processes data, but stipulates that the data fed to it by humans (as programmed on cards at the time) could give the machine the wrong instructions and thus produce the wrong results.


What About Grace Hopper's Moth?格蕾丝·霍珀的飞蛾怎么样?

For decades, books, magazines, and websites have erroneously reported that the term "bug" was coined by legendary computer scientist Grace Hopper when a moth flew into the relays of the Harvard Mark II computer and caused it to malfunction. As the story goes, she then taped the moth into a logbook and wrote a historical note: "First actual case of bug being found."

几十年来,书籍、杂志和网站都错误地报道说,“bug”一词是由传奇计算机科学家格蕾丝·霍珀(Grace Hopper)创造的,当时一只飞蛾飞进了哈佛马克II型计算机的继电器,导致它出现故障。随着故事的发展,她把飞蛾粘在一本日志里,并写下了一个历史记录:“第一个发现虫子的实际案例。“

While a moth really did fly into the Mark II in 1947, it wasn't the inspiration for the terms "bug" or "debug," both of which predate the incident. Also, it's not entirely clear that the moth actually made the computer malfunction, just that it was an amusing find while they were fixing other defects. Hopper made the story famous by telling it in a widely cited November 1968 interview:

虽然1947年确实有一只飞蛾飞进了Mark II,但它并不是“bug”或“debug”这两个术语的灵感来源,这两个术语都是在事件发生之前。此外,目前还不完全清楚,飞蛾实际上使计算机故障,只是这是一个有趣的发现,而他们正在修复其他缺陷。霍珀在1968年11月的一次采访中讲述了这个著名的故事:

When we were debugging Mark II, it was over in another building, and the windows had no screens on them and we were working on it at night, of course, and all the bugs in the world came in. And, one night she conked out, and we went to look for the bug and found an actual large moth, about four inches wing span, in one of the relays beaten to death, and we took it out and put it in the log book and pasted scotch tape over it, and as far as I know, that's still in the historical log book up at Harvard (we found an actual bug in the computer)."

“当我们调试Mark II时,它在另一栋建筑物中,窗户上没有屏幕,我们在晚上工作,当然,世界上所有的虫子都进来了。有一天晚上,她睡着了,我们去找虫子,发现了一只真正的大飞蛾,大约四英寸翼展,在一个继电器中被打死了,我们把它拿出来,把它放在日志簿里,用透明胶带粘在上面,据我所知,这仍然在哈佛的历史日志里(我们在计算机中发现了一个真正的虫子)。“

Hopper found the story amusing because, after frequently hunting down bugs in the computer (as in hardware and software defects), her team had finally found an actual, literal insect inside the computer. Hence the inscription, "First actual case of bug being found."


(As an interesting aside, Hopper describes the Mark IV moth as "beaten to death," likely because of the damage from getting caught within the movement of the computer's electromechanical relays, which suggests the computer continued to function while the moth was in there.)

(As有趣的是,霍珀将Mark IV蛾描述为“被殴打致死”,可能是因为计算机机电继电器的运动造成的损坏,这表明计算机在蛾在那里时继续运行。

Historians don't know whether it was Hopper's log book, or who actually wrote the entry, but today, the Harvard Mark II log book resides in the National Museum of American History at the Smithsonian in Washington, D.C.


4 中文解释



“Bug”的创始人格蕾丝·赫柏(Grace Murray Hopper),是一位为美国海军工作的电脑专家,也是最早将人类语言融入到电脑程序的人之一。而代表电脑程序出错的“bug” 这名字,正是由赫柏所取的。1947年9月9日,赫柏对Harvard Mark II设置好17000个继电器进行编程后,技术人员正在进行整机运行时,它突然停止了工作。于是他们爬上去找原因,发现这台巨大的计算机内部一组继电器的触点之间有一只飞蛾,这显然是由于飞蛾受光和热的吸引,飞到了触点上,然后被高电压击死。所以在报告中,赫柏用胶条贴上飞蛾,并把“bug”来表示“一个在电脑程序里的错误”,“Bug”这个说法一直沿用到今天。


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