
大江网 2024-08-22 10:33:20

大江网/大江新闻客户端讯 处暑,二十四节气之第十四个节气,也是秋季的第二个节气。处暑已至,暑去凉来,山川添彩,水波温柔。秋风轻拂,稻香四溢,一幅幅秋日画卷正缓缓展开。愿与您共览山水间的斑斓画卷,感受大自然的馈赠。

Chushu, the fourteenth of the twenty-four solar terms, also marks the second solar term of autumn. With Chushu here, the heat subsides and coolness arrives, mountains and rivers wear more colors, and water waves grow gentler. The autumn wind brushes gently, the scent of rice fills the air, and picturesque autumn scenes slowly unfold. I look forward to sharing with you the vibrant landscape of mountains and rivers and experiencing the bounty of nature.




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