
冬儿谈汽车 2024-09-30 05:11:36

顶奢豪宅|Yabu Pushelberg

Yabu Pushelberg室内设计事务所是业界的领头羊,他们带给人们太多美丽的作品,尤其是商业区的设计和装饰。无论是复古的经典,还是现代的潮流,他们都拿捏恰到好处。每一处空间,有着工作室独特的风格理念,强烈的个性标签让人们难以忘记。


在这个曼哈顿摩天大楼的55层空间,打造一处餐厅和酒吧,Yabu Pushelberg负责整个项目的设计和施工,充满独特韵味的场景让人难忘。


The designer uses black material at the entrance to create a mysterious and understated feeling with ease. A peaceful atmosphere implies internal privacy. High end people like this kind of quietness, and the space design is not lacking in enthusiasm. An island platform is the location for receiving customers, which embodies a sense of nobility.

空间部分来自于Kohn Pedersen Fox的设计,终于在2020年完成。内部装饰则是由George Yabu和Glenn Pushelberg共同完成,他们俩是Yabu Pushelberg的创始人。

The space was designed by Kohn Pedersen Fox and was finally completed in 2020. The interior decoration was jointly completed by George Yabu and Glenn Pushelberg, the founders of Yabu Pushelberg.


'Black Gold Life' is a style label brought by designers to the space. The interior adopts a modern style, integrates rich design details, enriches delicate beauty, and gives guests a more layered experience.


The space has a large area of french window, and the architectural landscape of the city is at a glance. Everything seems to be readily available, which also shows the sense of dignity of the space. The scenery of the city serves as the spatial background, and the art and luxury inside are the core. The quality of life has an atmospheric heritage.


The indoor space is rich in furniture, and the color scheme adopts low saturation colors, which are closer to the warm scene of home. Sofas, coffee tables, swivel chairs, and single chairs are all places where guests gather and talk, and every angle can feel the scenery, whether inside or outside. The background is exquisite and elegant, emitting a strong artistic atmosphere. The spatial atmosphere is very harmonious, and life is not just about solitude. In gatherings, excess commercial atmosphere is also eliminated, and the heart is calm and stable.


Here, there are artworks by famous artists as embellishments to the space. The works of artists constantly release stories about life from form to connotation, and pure art is even more fascinating.

Daniel Hutchinson创作的雕塑作品让人称道,还有一幅作品来自于《The DRM 系列 No. 1 to 8》系列,艺术品自身的价值,让人感受到空间的高级。即使纯粹从美感出发,这里也充满韵味,每一处细节都被烘托的格外优雅。生活不是奢华的堆砌,却发生于内心。

The sculptures created by Daniel Hutchinson are highly acclaimed, and there is also a piece from the "The DRM Series No. 1 to 8" series. The value of the artwork itself makes people feel the sophistication of the space. Even purely based on aesthetics, this place is full of charm, and every detail is highlighted with exceptional elegance. Life is not a pile of luxury, but it happens within oneself.


At different locations in space, you can see some artworks, sculptures, and paintings. These objects are not only artworks, but also harmonize the overall lively feeling through colors. Tasting in the sea of art is an irreplaceable 'black gold lifestyle'.


The wine area has an excellent view, and the scenery outside the landing window is always intoxicating. The collision between city and design continues, with the angle in the air making guests feel like they are soaring, and the decoration is also lighter.


The lighting fixtures are customized and exude a luxurious atmosphere, with unique shapes bringing an artistic atmosphere to the space. Glassware is also the work of famous artists, carefully and naturally used, and the wine inside seems to be engraved with high-end labels.


There are two rows of wine cabinets behind the bar counter, with many red wines placed inside. The dim and mysterious light here contrasts with the brightness by the window, creating a layered effect.


The design of the red wine area incorporates the talent and philosophy of the master, and introduces the Christmas tree lighting of the Hong Kong Yiju Hotel, which is widely recognized as a successful work. The studio and other decorative masters collaborated to create lighting effects using Bohemian glass, which was once praised by the industry.


The restaurant area can accommodate many guests, and the dining atmosphere is very warm. Black is used to outline the space, making the warm background more layered.


The bar area is very rich, and there are also places specially prepared for female customers here. From the visual point of view, this space tends to taste and detail, such as powder blusher pink, which is the favorite of women. The combination of velvet sofa and handmade carpet highlights delicacy and luxury, and wine tasting here meets the inner needs of successful women.


There is also a VIP drinking area, suitable for more high-end customers, with a broad view inside and very attentive service.


From the decoration of the entire space, it can be seen that with the designer's skill, it is easy to integrate a variety of artworks together. The high-altitude view seems to be appreciating an elegant movie. The needs of high-end customers are refined, and this place is full of refinement and care. The rich artistic atmosphere is also a symbol of the space.

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