一边是失业潮没有工作没有收入,一边是军队招募的告示,你会怎么选择…… 所以战争是可怕的,会让很多人别无选择 ———— ▶ 德国DW News: Germany's army is struggling to enlist and retain new soldiers. The armed forces commissioner says reasons are manifold, like better job offers in private companies. But lack of material and military trainers is the biggest problem, she says. ▶ 中文:【德国军队正努力招募新兵并留住现役士兵。武装部队专员表示,原因多种多样,比如私营公司提供的工作机会更好等。但她认为最大的问题是缺乏物资和军事训练人员。】 ———— enlist, [ɪnˈlɪst], verb, 征兵 retain, [rɪˈteɪn], verb, 保持 manifold, [ˈmænɪfoʊld], adjective, 多样的