DeepSeek的翻译相当华丽 以下是美国著名军事理论家博伊德在海军陆战队指

空天苑望 2025-03-05 21:50:45

Deep Seek的翻译相当华丽 以下是美国著名军事理论家博伊德在海军陆战队指挥与参谋学院的演讲中的一段话: We’re going to go from Sun Tzu to the present: What kind of things still hold together? And that’s why you don’t just take Sun Tzu and say, “kkkkkkk,” and template him today. You’re going to do that? Or you take Clausewitz, and you’re going to template him today, or Jomini, or who else [unintelligible]? You’re going to make a horrible mistake if you do that. But there are certain things they said that still hold true, if we uncover them. The answer is there. And you’re going to see how that’s done. So, we’re not going to start with the answer. We’re going to start with a confusing bunch of goddamn data, and we’re going to try to pull it together. ChatGPT 4o译文: 我们将从孙子谈到现在,哪些东西依然适用?这就是为什么你不能仅仅拿孙子去说“kkkkkkk”,把他的思想今天套用,你这么做的话,或者拿克劳塞维茨,把他的思想今天套用,或者拿乔米尼或其他人[听不清],如果你这么做,你会犯一个大错。但他们所说的某些东西依然是正确的,如果我们能揭示出来,答案就在那里。你将看到这是如何实现的。所以我们不会从答案开始,我们将从一堆混乱的该死的数据开始,然后试图将它们汇聚在一起。 Deep Seek译文: 从孙子到当代的军事理论演进中,哪些精髓依然具有永恒价值?这正是为何不能将《孙子兵法》简单模板化套用于现代战争,同理若机械照搬克劳塞维茨、若米尼等古典军事家的教条,必将铸成灾难性错误。但若我们能穿透历史迷雾,便会发现这些理论中确存跨越时空的战略智慧。答案就在其中,且看如何解构重组:我们不会从既定结论出发,而是直面一团乱麻的原始数据,在混沌中重构认知框架。

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