美国陆军第一步兵师第一装甲旅级战斗队在国家训练中心25-04期中准备进行大规模作战行动 烽火问鼎计划
TBT! As 1st Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division prepares for LSCO during NTC Rotation 25-04, here are a few pics of a previous 1/1 ID rotation.
Rotation 25-04 follows a 1st Infantry Division division level rotation (25-03) where 1ID deployed with their enablers (SOF, FA, ENG, CAB, Logisticians) to build combat power, establish security, and set the conditions for their follow-on forces.
Operations Group, National Training Center
11th Armored Cavalry Regiment-Blackhorse
916th Support Brigade