
路悦领域棒棒 2025-01-22 19:11:10
👋新年好呀,我的朋友们 Happy New Year, my friends. 今年是我在这个小家度过的第二个新年 This year is the second New Year I have spent in this home. 去年开始迷上了新中式风格🪭 I became interested in the neo-Chinese style last year. 我自己DIY的新中式屏风 I made a neo-Chinese style screen myself. 用仿真花DIY了桃花摆件🌸 Made peach blossom ornaments with simulated flowers . 这里的点滴都是我对这个家的🫶 Every little bit here is my love for this home. 闲来在阳台写写字,看看书 I like to write and read on the balcony during leisure time. 偶尔在沙发🛋️上偷个懒 I also like to occasionally sit on the sofa which like steal some time. 这样一天的疲倦都会洗去 This way, all the fatigue of the day will be washed away.

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2025-01-22 21:58
