德国国防军105毫米自走炮“大麦克斯”在东线测试,其中一辆原型车由521坦克歼击部队测试。该车原本设计为应对法国马奇诺防线碉堡的“碉堡毁灭者”,在1940年法国战败后转型为坦克歼击车。 二战 历史
The 10.5 cm K (gp.Sfl.) 'Dicker Max' with its crew during trials on the Eastern Front. One of two prototypes tested by Panzerjäger Abteilung 521, it was originally designed as a Schartenbrecher ('bunker buster') for the French Maginot Line but later assessed as a tank destroyer after France's 1940 defeat.