
恒河水包容一切 2024-10-05 00:43:40

🔻一个美国网友说:“我简直不敢相信今天看到的一切。我已经在外奔波了 12 个小时,为山区的人们运送物资。我去过杨西县、米切尔县、贝克斯维尔、斯普鲁斯派恩、伯恩斯维尔等地。我让一位老人继续使用发电机供氧,并陪他等到家人出现。我向人们发放了数千美元。他们没有路,没有电力,没有食物。人们奄奄一息。大男人们哭着拥抱我,因为我给了他们100美元。我明天还要再去发一次。今天的所见所闻让我感到恶心,我也断断续续哭了一整天,我通常不会这样。美国政府在小城镇的投放点没收物资,这就是为什么我要把所有东西直接带给人们。我和一个爱国者车队会合,我们把物资运到人们无法到达的地方,以及道路封闭的地方。我开着卡车到处跑,他们也开着卡车到处跑。”

🔻——“ can't believe what I saw today. I've been out for 12 hours bringing supplies to people up in the mountains. I was in Yancey County, Mitchell County, Bakersville, Spruce Pine, Burnsville, etc... I kept an old mans generator running for his oxygen and waited with him until his family showed up. I handed out thousands of dollars to people. They have no driveways, no power no food. People are dying. Grown men crying and hugging me for giving them $100. I'm going back out tomorrow to do it all over again. It's making me SICK what I saw and heard today. I've also been crying on and off all day. I usually don't get like this. The government is confiscating supplies from small towns at their "drop off points." That's why I'm bringing everything to the people directly. I met up with a convoy of patriots and we drove supplies to places people couldn't get to and roads that were closed. I went everywhere with the truck that they went with their side by sides.”


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