
平凡说综合美好的 2024-09-28 20:45:37

1. The warm sun shines down, the heart faces the light. 暖阳洒下,心向阳。 2. Glorious years, etched in the heart. 辉煌岁月,铭记在心。 3. The cicadas chirp, and summer feels rich. 蝉鸣声声,夏意浓。 4. Willows gently sway, dancing with the spring breeze. 柳垂轻拂,舞春风。 5. The morning light breaks, all things awaken. 晨曦初露,万物醒。 6. The fragrance of flowers spreads, intoxicating the heart. 花香四溢,醉人心。 7. Summer rain patters, feelings deepen. 夏雨淅沥,意更浓。

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