
平凡说综合美好的 2024-09-28 13:11:43

1. The setting sun dips, casting beautiful afterglow. 夕阳西下,余辉美。 2. The heart yearns for freedom, soaring far away. 心向自由,飞翔远。 3. Ice and snow melt, spring returns with warmth. 冰雪融化,春回暖。 4. Deep in the forest, tranquility is hidden. 森林深处,静谧藏。 5. Blossoms bloom profusely, the scenery is beautiful. 繁花似锦,景色美。 6. Dogs bark at the sky, the heart is at peace. 狗吠苍穹,心宁静。 7. Fine sand is soft, and the waves are gentle. 细沙软软,海浪轻。 #分享英语短文# #万能生活指南#

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