
佛哥是六哥助理哦 2024-09-23 16:29:28

This country is now the world’s first to have more EVs than gas-powered cars 全球首个电动车数量超汽油车的国家诞生 Norway is the first country in the world with more electric vehicles than gas-powered cars on the road, according to vehicle registration data the Norwegian road federation, known as OFV, released Tuesday. Of the 2.8 million passenger cars registered in the country, 26.3 percent are fully electric, just edging out the share of gas vehicles. Diesel remains the most common vehicle type, making up more than a third of Norwegian vehicle registrations. 根据挪威道路联合会(OFV)周二发布的车辆登记数据,挪威成为全球首个电动汽车数量超过汽油车的国家。 在该国登记的280万辆乘用车中,26.3%是纯电动汽车,略微超过汽油车的比例。柴油车仍然是最常见的车辆类型,占挪威车辆登记总数的三分之一以上。 ☞ 尽管许多国家的电动汽车车主都抱怨缺乏充电设施,但在挪威,每个城镇都设有大量免费充电桩,仅首都奥斯陆就有2000个。 ☞ passenger cars 乘客汽车:用于运输乘客的轿车。 ☞ edge out 美 [edʒ aʊt] 逐渐超过,逐步取代:指慢慢地比(某人或某物)更成功、更受欢迎等。 取代,排挤:指逐渐取代或排挤(某人或某物)。 If someone edges out someone else, they just manage to beat them or get in front of them in a game, race, or contest. 胜出 In the second race, the American competitor edged out the Ethiopian runner by less than a second. 在第二场赛跑中,美国选手比埃塞俄比亚选手快不到1秒钟。 ☞ diesel 英 [ˈdiːz(ə)l] 美 [ˈdiːz(ə)l] n. 柴油;内燃机,柴油车 A diesel is a vehicle which has a diesel engine. 柴油车 I keep hearing that diesels are better now than ever before. 我总听说现在的柴油车比以往的都好。 ☞ a third of 三分之一:表示一个整体中的三等份之一。 A third of Africa is under threat of desertification. 三分之一的非洲大陆面临着荒漠化的威胁。

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