
自然水景世界 2024-09-23 12:37:43
Green and Blue By piling Ryuoh Stones up and utilizing the spaces in between as the planting space, the combination of green and blue is vividly portrayed. The school of fish is swimming pleasantly, making us feel refreshed in a very hot summer. The making of this work was not the easiest, as the creator had to change planting plans half way through. 通过堆叠龙王石(青龙石)并利用创造出来的交错空间进行水草种植,生动地描绘了绿和蓝相结合的层次感。鱼群穿梭于水草和岩石之间,在炎热的夏天也能感受到片刻清爽。原本在景观中用到的许多水草因维护难度问题,在中途改变了计划,使得这座景观的创作过程相当复杂。不过少即是多,最后的决定让景观更为惊艳,也极大降低了维护的难度。 缸体:W1,500×D600×H600 mm 造景:井上 大辅 Daisuke Inoue 骨架:龙王石(青龙石) 图3:骨架&成景过程 图4:器具设备信息 图5:水草/生物信息
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