#万能生活指南##美丽农作物分享# #田园风景分享##农作物美图分享##农

一枝寒梅初中英语数学 2024-09-21 19:53:55

#万能生活指南##美丽农作物分享# #田园风景分享# #农作物美图分享# #农作物生长分享# #又是一季好秋收# 秋天的田野 Autumn Fields 我们的家乡,在希望的田野上。 Our hometown is on the field of hope. 秋雨过后,田里的农作物显得格外精神。 满山遍野像珍珠似的还未红透的枣儿, 被沉甸甸的稻穗压弯了腰的谷子,用心地托着一张黄色的像大圆盘似的笑脸相迎的向日葵,开着美丽的白色小花的土豆,还有那未涨红脸的高粱………构成了一幅黄土高原特有的美丽的秋景图。 After the autumn rain, the crops in the fields appear particularly energetic. The mountains and fields are covered with jujubes that are still like pearls before they turn red, The millet, bent down by the heavy rice ears, carefully holds a yellow sunflower with a smiling face like a big round plate, potatoes with beautiful white flowers, and sorghum that has not yet turned red, forming a beautiful autumn scenery.

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