
佛哥是六哥助理哦 2024-09-21 11:09:08

Record-breaking black hole jets discovered in faraway galaxy 相当于140个银河系相连!科学家探测到最长黑洞喷流 Astronomers say they have discovered the longest pair of black hole jets ever seen in the sky coming from a galaxy far, far away. The record-breaking eruptions span 23 million light years from end to end, which is equivalent to lining up 140 Milky Way galaxies back to back, according to the researchers. Named Porphyrion, after a giant in Greek mythology, these gigantic outflows – which shoot out from above and below a supermassive black hole – formed when the universe was a mere 6.3 billion years old, less than half its present age of nearly 14 billion years. 天文学家表示,他们发现了迄今为止天空中看到的最长黑洞喷流,它来自一个遥远的星系。 研究人员称,这一创纪录的喷流从一端到另一端跨越了2300万光年,相当于将140个银河系首尾相连。 这些巨大的喷流以希腊神话中的巨人波菲利翁命名,它们从超大质量黑洞的上下两端喷出,形成于宇宙仅63亿年的时候,不到宇宙目前近140亿年年龄的一半。 ☞ record-breaking 英 [ˈrekɔːd breɪkɪŋ] 美 [ˈrekərd breɪkɪŋ] adj. 破纪录的 n. 破纪录 A record-breaking success, result, or performance is one that beats the previous best success, result, or performance. 破纪录的 Woods won record-breaking performance of the year for winning four majors in a row. 伍兹以其在四个大满贯赛事中连胜赢得了年度破纪录大奖。 ☞ ever seen 曾经见过:用于询问或描述是否曾经看到过某事物或某人。 It was the most extreme example of cruelty to animals I had ever seen. 这是我见过的最严重的虐待动物的事例。 ☞ span 英 [spæn] 美 [spæn] n. 时间跨度,一段时间;(桥或拱的)墩距,跨距;宽度,翼展;范围,包括的种类;(航海)跨绳;一队人(或动物);数值范围;一掌的长度 v. 持续,贯穿;包括(广大地区),涵盖(多项内容);横跨,跨越;张开手覆盖(或环绕);给(动物)套上轭 adj. 整洁干净的,照管得很好的(spick and span) A bridge or other structure that spans something such as a river or a valley stretches right across it. 横跨 Travellers get from one side to the other by walking across a footbridge that spans a little stream. 旅游者通过一座横跨小溪的人行桥从一边走到另一边。 ☞ back to back 英 [ˌbæk tə ˈbæk] 美 [ˌbæk tə ˈbæk] 连续的,相继的:指连续发生或相继进行的事物。 背靠背的:指两个人或物体背对背地靠在一起。 ☞ Porphyrion n. 波耳费里翁(希腊神话中的巨人之王) 波尔费里翁(Porphyrion)巨人之王,被年夜神宙斯的雷霆击倒,赫拉克勒斯补射一箭而亡;

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