
佛哥是六哥助理哦 2024-09-19 15:00:08

Moo-Deng: the two-month-old baby pygmy hippo becoming an online giant 泰国倭河马宝宝网络爆红,喜欢啃饲养员 A two-month-old pygmy hippo has become an internet sensation across Thailand and beyond after footage went viral online of her wobbling around her enclosure, nibbling her zookeeper and being sprayed with water. Moo-Deng has captured hearts across Asia. Fans have made cakes in her image and artworks showing off her cartoonish rosy cheeks and bright eyes. One cosmetics chain even jumped on the trend, telling social media users to “wear your blush like a baby hippo” in posts promoting products in pink and peach tones. 一只两个月大的倭河马在围栏里摇摇晃晃、啃咬动物园管理员并被喷水的视频在网上疯传,它因此成为泰国乃至全世界的网络红马。 这只名叫Moo-Deng(弹跳猪)的小河马赢得了全亚洲的喜爱。粉丝们用它的形象制作了蛋糕,还制作了艺术品来展示它卡通般红扑扑的脸颊和亮闪闪的眼睛。一家化妆品连锁店甚至顺应潮流,在宣传粉色和桃色系产品的帖子中,告诉社交媒体用户“像小河马一样涂腮红”。 ☞ pygmy 英 [ˈpɪɡmi] 美 [ˈpɪɡmi] n. [内科] 侏儒;俾格米人(一种身高不满五英尺的矮小人种);微不足道的人 adj. 矮小的;俾格米人的 Pygmy means belonging to a species of animal that is the smallest of a group of related species. (一组有亲缘关系的动物中)最小的 Reaching a maximum height of 56cm the pygmy goat is essentially a pet. 这种最高只能长到56厘米的小山羊基本是作为宠物来养的。 ☞ hippo 英 [ˈhɪpəʊ] 美 [ˈhɪpoʊ] n. 河马;吐根 ☞ sensation 英 [senˈseɪʃ(ə)n] 美 [senˈseɪʃ(ə)n] n. 感觉,知觉;感觉能力,知觉能力;(某种经历所产生的)整体感觉,总体印象;轰动,引起轰动的人(或事) If a person, event, or situation causes a sensation, they cause great interest or excitement. 轰动 She was just 14 when she caused a sensation at the Montreal Olympics. 她在蒙特利尔奥运会上引起轰动时,年仅14岁。 ☞ wobble 英 [ˈwɒb(ə)l] 美 [ˈwɑːb(ə)l] v. (使)摇摆,摇晃;(走路)一摇一摆;动摇,失去信心;晃悠;(声音等)颤抖,颤动 n. 摇摆,摇晃;动摇,拿不定主意;声音颤抖,颤动 复数wobbles 第三人称单数wobbles 现在分词wobbling 过去式wobbled 过去分词wobbled ☞ enclosure 英 [ɪnˈkləʊʒə(r)] 美 [ɪnˈkloʊʒər] n. 围场,围墙,圈占地;附件;围住,圈起 ☞ nibble 英 [ˈnɪb(ə)l] 美 [ˈnɪb(ə)l] v. 啃,小口咬;反复轻咬;(对提议或想法)略显兴趣;蚕食;(动物)小口地啃 n. 一小口;(常为聚会上提供的)点心,小吃(nibbles);对商业机会感兴趣的表示 ☞ jump on the trend 跟风:追随时尚或流行趋势,加入其中。 Natalie's jumped on the trend of celeb-designed fashion lines, but she's doing it the eco way! 娜塔莉也紧跟潮流推出了自己设计的服装品牌,和别人不同的是,她出品的可是环保材料。 ☞

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