
爱吃肉和写字 2024-09-18 14:03:47
“Every new morning is a gift” 每个清晨都是生命的馈赠。 “Looking forward to something pleasant can be pleasant in itself.” “期待美好事物的本身就是一种美好。” “Being able to ask for help is a strength, not a weakness. “善于向他人寻求帮助不是弱点,而是一项能力。” “Questioning yourself can be good. Doubting yourself rarely is.” “向自己的内心发问有益,怀疑自己则相反。” “At times life can seem overwhelming. That's when it helps to focus on the little things and just keep going.” “生活看起来能把人压得喘不过气。 试着把注意力集中在一些小事上,不要放弃前进。” " Life is more fun when you throw yourself at it wholeheartedly." “当你全身心投入你的生活,便能发现更多的乐趣。” "In dark times - be open to discovering the light." “身处黑暗时,打开心胸迎接光明。” “九月份是很好的月份,中秋月圆,云淡风轻,温和爽飒” 中秋节快乐🎑,大家都吃了什么月饼呢? 很久没吃这么甜的东西,早上吃了一口🥮,没想到冰皮榴莲月饼这么好吃😋
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