
佛哥是六哥助理哦 2024-09-16 00:58:44

Boeing workers strike as 25% pay rise rejected 再遭打击:波音美国工厂3万多名工人开始罢工 Boeing workers have gone on strike after they overwhelmingly rejected a tentative deal between union representatives and the plane maker that included a 25% pay rise. More than 30,000 workers - who produce planes including the 737 Max and 777 in the Seattle and Portland areas - downed their tools from midnight Pacific Time on Friday. The walkout is another setback for the firm, which is facing deepening financial losses as it struggles to repair its reputation after a series of safety issues, including two fatal crashes. 波音公司的工人举行了罢工,此前他们以压倒性多数拒绝了工会代表和这家飞机制造商之间的临时协议,其中包括25%的加薪。 在西雅图和波特兰地区负责生产737 Max和777等飞机的3万多名工人于太平洋时间周五午夜起停止了工作。 此次罢工是波音公司面临的又一挫折,该公司正因一系列安全问题(包括两起致命空难)而努力修复其声誉,并面临日益严重的财务损失。 → 当地时间9月12日,美国西雅图和波特兰地区的波音工人以94.6%的反对票,拒绝了波音公司和其最大工会国际机械师和航空工人联合会(IAM)于9月8日提出的一项临时协议。96%的工人投票赞成罢工,远超罢工所需的2/3的票数。 → tentative 英 [ˈtentətɪv] 美 [ˈtentətɪv] adj. 试探性的,暂定的;踌躇的,犹豫不定的 n. 不确定的事物 Tentative agreements, plans, or arrangements are not definite or certain, but have been made as a first step. 初步的 Political leaders have reached a tentative agreement to hold a preparatory conference next month. 政治领导人已经就下个月召开准备会达成初步协议。 → walkout 英 [ˈwɔːkaʊt] 美 [ˈwɔːkaʊt] n. (美)罢工;退出会场;谈恋爱 adj. 有出口的 A walkout is a strike. 罢工 But union leaders are holding off on calling the walkout while talks are showing progress. 然而,工会领袖们在会谈正取得进展时却暂停了罢工号召。 → setback 英 [ˈsetbæk] 美 [ˈsetbæk] n. 挫折,阻碍;(建筑)壁阶;(建筑物的)缩进距离 A setback is an event that delays your progress or reverses some of the progress that you have made. 挫折; 倒退 The move represents a setback for the Middle East peace process. 此举意味着中东和平进程的倒退。 → reputation 英 [ˌrepjuˈteɪʃ(ə)n] 美 [ˌrepjuˈteɪʃ(ə)n] n. 名誉,名声 To have a reputation for something means to be known or remembered for it. 名声 Alice Munro has a reputation for being a very depressing writer. 艾丽斯•门罗有文风抑郁的名声。

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