
十五年踢秃斯学叔 2024-09-12 12:40:41
其实到底什么叫有逻辑? =就是能够逻辑自洽,无关对错,无关公众认知,无关背景知识,只是你是否可以把自己的想法论证清楚。(陷入自证陷阱) 口语P3比较容易上手的逻辑?“奥利奥”结构 OREO Opinion=直接给出 Reason=泛泛一点(给自己论证空间) Explanation=具体一点(让刚才的泛泛信息落地) Overall=总结(可有可无) 例如:Is is nevessary to visit historical budings? 观点1:Taking children to visit historical buildings is necessary. 原因 because it is beneficial for their understanding of historical concepts.(大容量)或再问自己遍为什么? 解释 1: By visiting these sites, children can gain a more concrete and engaging learning experience, allowing them to better connect with the historical events they study in school.(更具体)解释刚才那个为什么) 更多 ORE看到导图⬆️
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