
体育六 2024-09-12 08:21:31

Today is Chen Yuxi's birthday. Here, I send my most sincere blessings. You shine on the diving platform and create brilliance with hard work and sweat. May you continue to ride the wind and waves in the new year and move forward bravely towards your dream. May your life be as wonderful as your diving. Happy birthday, Chen Yuxi! 今天是陈芋汐的生日,在此送上最真挚的祝福。你在跳台上绽放光芒,用拼搏与汗水书写辉煌。愿你新的一岁继续乘风破浪,向着梦想奋勇前行,生活如你的跳水般精彩绝伦,生日快乐,陈芋汐!

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