
习硕英语学习干货 2024-09-02 21:59:30
英语佳句积累太哇塞了!作文稳上分! • Seize the moment. 只争朝夕。 • Catch as catch can.竭尽全力。 • The ship has sailed.木已成舟。 • Might makes right. 强者为王。 • Time is money, 时间就是金钱。 • Rise from the ashes.浴火重生。 • All we have is now. 只争朝夕。 • Go big or go home. 全力以赴。 • Every minute counts.分秒必争。 • Let them eat cake. 何不食肉糜。 • You had me at hello.一见钟情。 • Live and learn.吃一堑,长一智。 • Do a good turn daily. 日行一善。 • Man is mortal. 人生自古谁无死。 • Patience is a virtue.忍耐是美德。 • Still waters run deep.静水流深。 • Trials and tribulations 艰辛磨难。 • Fish for compliments..沽名钓誉。 • Have nothing to lose.无所畏惧。 • Conquer from within.战胜自我。 • Much will have more.欲壑难填。 • Bring home the bacon.养家糊口。 • Easier said than done.知易行难。 • Years bring wisdom.年长则智增。 • Every man to his taste.见仁见智。 • If you snooze, you lose.坐失良机。 • First come, first served.先到先得。 • Look before you leap.三思而后行。 • Love sees no faults.爱情是盲目的。 • Rumor is a lying jade. 流言不可信。 ……
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