
佛哥是六哥助理哦 2024-09-02 17:13:17

Hotel victims drank from cyanide-laced teacups - police 6人在曼谷酒店中毒死亡,泰警方怀疑凶手为其中一人 Six people who died in a luxury hotel suite in Thailand were poisoned by drinks laced with cyanide, police have said. Police suspect that one of the dead was behind the poisoning and was driven by crushing debt. The six deceased were found dead by housekeepers at the Grand Hyatt Erawan hotel in the Thai capital Bangkok late on Tuesday. Investigators believe they had been dead for 24 hours by then. Two of the six had loaned "tens of millions Thai baht" to another of the deceased for investment purposes, authorities said. Ten million baht is worth nearly $280,000. 泰国警方称,在泰国一家豪华酒店套房内死亡的六人是被掺有氰化物的饮品毒死的。 警方怀疑,其中一名死者是投毒的幕后主使,动机是巨额债务。 周二晚些时候,泰国首都曼谷爱侣湾君悦酒店的管家发现了六名死者的尸体。 调查人员认为,当时他们已经死亡24小时。 有关部门表示,六人中的两人曾借给另一名死者“数千万泰铢”用于投资。1000万泰铢约合近28万美元。 → To lace food or drink with a substance such as alcohol or a drug means to put a small amount of the substance into the food or drink. 在 (食物、饮料) 中添加 She laced his food with sleeping pills. 她在他的食物里加了安眠药。 → cyanide 英 [ˈsaɪənaɪd] 美 [ˈsaɪənaɪd] n. [无化] 氰化物 Cyanide is a highly poisonous substance. 氰化物 His death has all the signs of cyanide poisoning. 他的死亡具有氰化物中毒的所有迹象。 → crushing debt 沉重的债务:指债务数量巨大、难以偿还的情况,给人带来沉重的负担和压力。 A college education should not result in crushing debt. 大学教育不因建立在巨额贷款之上。 → baht 英 [bɑːt] 美 [bɑːt] n. 铢(泰国货币单位)

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