但你却一意孤行要证明我和你妈错了 Butyouwashell-bent

佛哥是六哥助理哦 2024-09-02 17:13:17

但你却一意孤行 要证明我和你妈错了 But you was hell-bent on proving me and your mama wrong ☞ hell-bent 英 [ˌhel ˈbent] 美 [ˌhel ˈbent] adj. 拼命的;固执的 If you say that someone is hell-bent on doing something, you are emphasizing that they are determined to do it, even if this causes problems or difficulties for other people. 不顾一切的; 破釜沉舟的 He accused Ford of being hell-bent on achieving its cuts by whatever means. 他谴责了福特公司不择手段一心要实现削减目标的行为。

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