
佛哥是六哥助理哦 2024-09-02 17:13:16

On NYC beaches, angry birds fight drones patrolling for sharks and struggling swimmers 鸟机大战:纽约海滩巡逻无人机遭“愤怒的小鸟”围攻 A fleet of drones patrolling New York City’s beaches for signs of sharks and struggling swimmers is drawing backlash from an aggressive group of seaside residents: local shorebirds. Since the drones began flying in May, flocks of birds have repeatedly swarmed the devices, forcing the police department and other city agencies to adjust their flight plans. While the attacks have slowed, they have not stopped completely, fueling concern from wildlife experts about the impact on threatened species nesting along the coast. 一群无人机在纽约市的海滩上巡逻,寻找鲨鱼和挣扎游泳者的踪迹,但却遭到了一个“激进的”海滨居民群体的反对:当地的滨鸟。 自5月份无人机开始飞行以来,成群结队的鸟多次围攻这些设备,迫使警察局和其他市政机构调整飞行计划。 虽然袭击有所减缓,但并未完全停止,这也加剧了野生动物专家对沿海筑巢的濒危物种所受影响的担忧。 → drones 英 [drəʊnz] 美 [droʊnz] n. 雄蜂;(英)懒汉;遥控飞机(drone 的复数形式) v. 混(日子);懒散地打发时间(drone 的三单形式);闲散度日(drone 的三单形式) → patrolling 美 [pəˈtroʊlɪŋ] n. 巡逻模式 adj. 正在巡逻的 v. 巡逻(patrol 的现在分词);侦查 → backlash 英 [ˈbæklæʃ] 美 [ˈbæklæʃ] n. (尤指对政治或社会事件的)强烈反应,反对;(机械的)反冲,反作用;(机械部件间的)间隙,轮齿隙 → fueling 英 [ˈfjuːəlɪŋ] 美 [ˈfjuːəlɪŋ] v. 给……提供燃料;给(交通工具)加满油;(使火)更旺;增加;煽动(激烈的情感或活动)(fuel 的现在分词) n. 燃料补给 To fuel a situation means to make it become worse or more intense. 加剧 The result will inevitably fuel speculation about the prime minister's future. 该结果将不可避免地加剧人们对首相前途的猜测。

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