
去冰三分糖语言 2024-08-31 22:32:23
超级有趣的英语聊天话题,可以让聊天氛围更活跃,HelloTalk打招呼别再用how are you了[偷笑R][偷笑R],直接切入问题吧[哇R]: 1️⃣趣味生活经历类 “What's the craziest thing you've done on a dare?(你在被激将的情况下做过的最疯狂的事情是什么?)”可以回忆起年少轻狂或大胆的时刻。 “Tell me about a time when you got completely lost and how you found your way.(跟我讲讲你完全迷路的一次经历以及你是如何找到路的。)”有冒险的感觉,也能交流应对困境的方法。 2️⃣梦想与幻想类 “If you could have any job in the world, regardless of qualifications or pay, what would it be?(如果你可以拥有世界上任何一份工作,不考虑资质或薪酬,你会选择什么?)”激发对理想职业的想象。 “If you could live in a fictional world, which one would you choose and why?(如果你可以生活在一个虚构的世界里,你会选择哪个?为什么?)”从魔法世界到科幻宇宙,有很多可讨论的空间。 “What's one superpower you wish you had for a day?(你希望拥有哪种超能力一天?)”充满幻想,能带来很多创意的回答。 3️⃣美食与烹饪类 “What's the weirdest combination of foods you've ever tried and actually liked?(你尝试过的最奇怪但实际上很喜欢的食物组合是什么?)”可能会发现新的美食搭配。 “If you could only eat one cuisine for the rest of your life, which would it be?(如果你余生只能吃一种菜系,你会选择哪个?)”引发对不同美食文化的讨论。 “What's the most difficult dish you've ever attempted to cook? How did it turn out?(你尝试做过的最难的一道菜是什么?结果如何?)”可以交流烹饪的挑战和成就。 4️⃣旅行与冒险类 “What's the most breathtaking natural sight you've ever seen?(你见过的最令人惊叹的自然景观是什么?)”回忆美丽的自然风光。 “If you could go on a spontaneous road trip right now, where would you go?(如果你现在可以进行一次即兴的公路旅行,你会去哪里?)”激发对未知地方的向往。 “Tell me about a cultural experience you had while traveling that really opened your eyes.(跟我讲讲你在旅行中一次真正让你大开眼界的文化体验。)”分享不同文化的碰撞和感悟。
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