
希波波 2024-08-19 13:09:22
nārāyaṇaṁ padmabhuvaṁ vasiṣṭhaṁ śaktiṁ tatputra parāśaraṁ ca vyāsaṁ śukaṁ gauḍapadaṁ mahāntaṁ gōvinda yōgēndra athāsya śiṣyam | . . . When we are affected by the materialistic approach then our expression becomes more materialistic in nature. When we are shocked by spiritual values then that becomes more appealing. When we are again shocked by the material aspects of life then, despite the spiritual aspect, the material becomes more appealing. Then suddenly a realization happens that we should again become spiritual. This is known as raga and dwesha, like and dislike, in life. Confusion, conflict, not knowing where to tread, and not having that inner self-confidence to actually learn something and see how it can improve or worsen the situation. This is when yoga comes in as an education in internal discipline.
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