
去冰三分糖语言 2024-07-16 12:09:30
最起码,我能找到他们的共同点:都没有意义和都是用来取乐。 如果实在不知道和外国人聊什么可以用冷笑话当话题切入,特别好用.... 以下为你整理了夏天说也很冷的英文冷笑话↓,快快收藏吧[偷笑R] 01 What do you call a deer with no eye? (没有眼睛的鹿 是什么鹿) No eye deer (No idea). 叫 无眼鹿(不知道) 02 What did a late tomato say to other tomatoes? (一个迟到的番茄会对其他的番茄说什么) I will ketchup (catch up). (我能赶上) (ketchup 蕃茄酱) 03—I only know 25 letters of the alphabet. —why? —26个字母我只认识25个 —为什么? —I don't know Y (why) —我不认识Y(我不知道为什么) (Y与why同音) 04What do you call a bee from America? (来自美国的蜜蜂叫什么) A USB (US bee). 05 How do we count cows? (牛用什么来数) With a Cowculator (calculator). (用“数牛器”) (calculator 计算器) 06 Which is faster, hot or cold? (冷和热,哪个更快) Hot. Because you can catch a cold. (热更快,因为你能追上冷/会感冒 catch a cold) 07 Why is “dark” is spelled with a “k” not a “c”? (为什么dark不能写成 “darc”) Because you can’t c (see) in the dark. (因为你在黑暗里看不见啊) 08 Why shouldn’t we give Elsa a balloon? (为什么不能给艾莎气球) Because she will Let It Go. (因为她会把气球放了) (“Let It Go”: 电影Frozen的主题曲) 09Who is closer to you, your mom or your dad? 谁和你更亲近?妈妈还是爸爸? Mom is close, because dad is farther. 妈妈更近,因为爸爸更远。(Father与Farther谐音)
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