
积小成大提分 2024-07-03 00:42:15
一、开头万能句 1. Now there is a growing awareness of the necessity to... 人们越来越意识到....的必要性。 2. More and more people are aware that it is important to... 人们越来越意识到....的必要性。 3. Many people are becoming aware of the importance of... 人们越来越意识到....的必要性。 4. With the rapid development/growth of ...has become a necessary part of our daily life and work. 随着…的迅速发展,…已经成为我们生活和工作中必不可少的一部分。 5. There is a public debate/ controversy/ discussion today on/ as to the issue of...As far as I'm concerned... I am in favor of the opinion that... 如今有一场关于...的问题的公开争论/讨论。就我而言,我赞同...的观点。 6. Views on the issue vary from person to person. When my eyes caught this topic,my mind began its search for... 对于该问题的看法因人而异。但当我看到这个话题,我的脑海中想到的是.... 二、结尾万能句 1. In a word,it is more important that we should... ……
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